A-Star 8 Note Natural Xylophone with Beaters

A-Star 8 Note Natural Xylophone with Beaters


Product code: NRMAP7301

This xylophone, tuned to the key of C Major, has 8 notes available, allowing you to play a wide range of melodies and harmonies, without having to worry about any "wrong" notes! Along with this, the wood construction ensures for a natural and pleasing tone from the instrument.

Note names are carved into each key to help learn the notes of the scale and guide you while you are playing. The supplied beaters are incredibly durable and suitable for all ages, whether you are learning yourself or teaching. This is the ideal tool for the classroom, music groups or even just learning at home.
This xylophone, tuned to the key of C Major, has 8 notes available, allowing you to play a wide range of melodies and harmonies, without having to worry about any "wrong" notes! Along with this, the wood construction ensures for a natural and pleasing tone from the instrument.

Note names are carved into each key to help learn the notes of the scale and guide you while you are playing. The supplied beaters are incredibly durable and suitable for all ages, whether you are learning yourself or teaching. This is the ideal tool for the classroom, music groups or even just learning at home.

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